Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Soy for Babies--Not a Healthy Alternative

Wrapping up our month long study of the harmful effects of soy on our health.  This last post is how dangerous it is for our babies.  Please read and pass on to anyone you think would benefit.

This article is by Dianne Gregg:

Here in the United States we have an excess of soy consumption that is causing health problems for babies as well as adults. Unfortunately, all the hype about how good soy is for you keeps many moms for being aware of the dangers.

Mothers, through magazines and advertising have been convinced that soy formula is a good alternative for babies that cannot tolerate milk. Soy for babies is not a healthy alternative because it contains high levels of phytoestrogens that contain growth depressing trypsin inhibitors – which have been know to cause zinc deficiency. Zinc – which is important to the development of the nervous system. In addition, the aluminum content of soy formula is 10x greater than milk and has a toxic effect on the kidneys. Read article http://www.westonaprice.org/soy/infant.html.

In addition, soy formula is not always easily digestible and can cause cramping, gas, colic, diarrhea, and early puberty. If an infant is lactose intolerant a better alternative might be goat milk, almond or rice milk. This would also apply to toddlers – do not give them soy milk.

Once consumers start reading labels carefully – they will be amazed at the soy content in snack foods, fast foods, and pre-packaged frozen meals – a staple in a child’s diet. Since it’s often disguised as other ingredients – you have to know what to look for.

For a detailed list of foods containing hidden soy go to: http://www.hiddensoy.com/yahoogroups.php

Dianne Gregg, author of "The Hidden Dangers of Soy" decided to write this book after developing a severe allergy to soy and nearly dying. She has done extensive research on this subject and wants to share this crucial information with others.

To claim your free chapter of The Hidden Dangers of Soy (including) soy free recipes. http://www.hiddensoy.com/soy-health-risks.php

Listen to Dianne on the radio Tuesdays, 4pm - 5pm EST interviewing experts in the health and wellness industry.  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Health-Watch-Radio

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Herbal Honeys for Colds and Flu

This week I learned how to make herbal honey.  I had sage, mint and roses in the garden and tried my hand at that.  The rose petals were beautiful mixed with the honey and I've sampled a taste and it is so good.  I made sage honey and that will be really good for sore throats.  And the mint was delicious, I can't wait to taste it as tea.  All of these can be made as a tea or spread on toast or used in whatever recipe I find.  I've written how to make them on my new website blog at The Natural Living Site Newsletter if you want to check it out!  It will be published on Friday...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Surprising Places Soy is Hidden

If a little is good, then a lot more must be a lot better--isn't that the way we think?  Well, it seems the food industry thinks that way....look at all the places they hid soy...

Another great article by Dianne Gregg...

Although advertising has led many of us to believe that soy is healthy, the fact of the matter is that for many people it creates, rather than prevents, health problems – including obesity, hypothyroidism, osteoporosis and indigestion.

Even those who know have trouble avoiding unhealthy soy. Soy is found in over 60% of food products, even in places where you would not expect it to be. For example: Soy can be found in most canned tunas, canned soups, chocolate, pizza, frozen dinners, breads, muffins, donuts, cake mixes, hot chocolate, some baby foods, and thousands of other popular products.

One reason soy is so hard to detect is that it has many aliases. Manufacturers do not always list soy as an ingredient, instead the labels read:

• Textured vegetable protein (TVP)
• Textured plant protein
• Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP)
• Vegetable oil (which often contains soy oil)
• MSG (monosodium glutamate)
• Lecithin
• Broth

Keep in mind that food labels and ingredient lists change without warning, and manufacturers often switch the ingredients of a product. That’s why it’s so important to learn to check labels.

And believe it or not...

Vitamins, over-the-counter drugs and prescriptions may contain an unwanted dose of soy as well. For example: Pills with soy oil bases; Vitamin E derived from soy oil, and soy components such as isoflavones. The inhaler Atrovent is one Rx products that contain soy.

You may also be surprised to learn that soy can be found in...

Green oriented industrial products. While they may be green for the environment, they can also be potentially harmful for those with a strong allergy to soy. Inks, paints, plastics, carpets, mattresses, etc. are just a few on the list.

Dianne Gregg, author of "The Hidden Dangers of Soy" decided to write this book after developing a severe allergy to soy and nearly dying. She has done extensive research on this subject and wants to share this crucial information with others.

Discover more soy health risks by claiming your free chapter of The Hidden Dangers of Soy with soy free recipes.

Listen to Dianne on the radio Tuesdays, 4pm - 5pm EST interviewing experts in the health and wellness industry.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Win a Fermenting Jar!

I have posted several times about fermenting various foods and how important it is to your health.  Here is a website called Nourished Kitchen that is giving away a jar to do just that!  And an ebook of recipes.

You can ferment sauerkraut, kimchi, salsa, chutneys, and organic lemons!  Add good probiotics to your health this winter.

If you are interested go to http://nourishedkitchen.com/fermented-vegetable-master/  and sign up for the free giveaway!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

7 Signs of Soy Intolerance

The best way to avoid soy and eliminate it from your diet is to eat fresh whole foods.  Read the labels on other products you buy.  This week's newsletter will be on soy, so be sure and subscribe at The Natural Living Site for the newsletter if you haven't already!

Here is an article by Dianne Gregg on symptoms of soy intolerance. 

By Dianne Gregg
The most common allergies people suffer are Milk, Eggs, Peanuts, Soy, Tree Nuts, Fish, Shellfish, and Wheat. Proteins in these eight major foods are estimated to cause 90 percent of the allergic reactions in the United States. Of all of these, Soy is one of the most under diagnosed.

Do you have an allergy to soy? Below is a list of seven symptoms of soy intolerance provided by Food Allergy Network:

1. Vomiting, nausea, bloating, cramps, diarrhea,.

2. Difficulty breathing, speaking or a drop in blood pressure. (Dianne blood pressure does not seem to go with the other two here)

3. Heart palpitations, loss of consciousness.

4. Anxiety, faintness, distress.

5. Hives or a rash, red and itchy skin, flushed face,.

6. Swelling of the eyes, face, lips, throat, and tongue.

7. Weakness, paleness, or sense of doom. (sense of doom does not seem to go here and I think makes you look like a crackpot J

Unfortunately for me, I had most of the symptoms of soy allergy. Mine was so serious that I eventually went into anaphylactic shock. Because doctors thought my symptoms were related to menopause, it took eight years to develop a full-blown attack and to diagnose the problem.

For a detailed list of foods containing hidden soy go to: http://www.hiddensoy.com/yahoogroups.com

Dianne Gregg, author of "The Hidden Dangers of Soy" decided to write this book after developing a severe allergy to soy and nearly dying. She has done extensive research on this subject and wants to share this crucial information with others.

To claim your free chapter of The Hidden Dangers of Soy (including) soy free recipes. http://www.hiddensoy.com/soy-health-risks.php

Listen to Dianne on the radio Tuesdays, 4pm - 5pm EST interviewing experts in the health and wellness industry.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Dangers of Soy

Did you know that soy is actually dangerous and that it is in so many processed foods?  Dianne Gregg has written about her experience in her book "The Hidden Dangers of Soy".  Here is a quick quiz you can take to see if you are experiencing problems with this dangerous additive.


If you are not feeling like yourself, and have symptoms such as nausea, bloating, gastric disorders, unusual weight gain, palpitations, shortness of breath, or lack of energy, a soy allergy may be the culprit. While not everyone will have a severe reaction, it’s important to be aware of what foods you may be eating that are triggering a change in the way you feel. Take this quick quiz to see if soy might be affecting your health.

Circle yes or no:
1. Are you gaining weight even though you exercise and believe you are eating a healthy diet? YES/NO
2. Do you experience nausea and bloating after eating a particular food? YES/NO
3. Have you noticed any palpitations or anxiety? YES/NO
4. Do you experience shortness of breath for no apparent reason? YES/NO
5. Do you suffer from gastric disorders such as gas, bloating or IBS? YES/NO
6. Do you feel tired all the time even when you get enough sleep? YES/NO
7. Is your body feeling out of whack and you can't figure out why? YES/NO
8. Do you experience recurrent rashes or itchy skin? YES/NO

What Your Answers Mean: If you answered, “Yes” for two or more of these questions it may be related to your soy consumption. To signup for a free newsletter, to get a white paper filled with soy free recipes or to download a free chapter from the book The Hidden Dangers of Soy go to: http://www.hiddensoy.com/soy-health-risks.php

Dianne Gregg is the author of The Hidden Dangers of Soy (Outskirts Press, 2008). After developing a severe allergy to soy that nearly killed her, Dianne Gregg learned the truth behind this supposed health food. “The Hidden Dangers of Soy” is the culmination of her efforts to educate others on the issue in hopes more will avoid soy’s underreported—yet widely researched—negative health impacts. Dianne hosts Health Watch Radio, a weekly show featuring interviews with inspiring guests from a variety of fields -- health, wellness, fitness, personal growth and empowerment, etc. Listen to Dianne on the radio Tuesdays, 4pm - 5pm EST http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Heath-Watch-Radio

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Newsletter Updates and Blog Plans

Have had a bug this week and am now getting back to the computer!  It gave me time to think and plan ahead on my writing.  I will be writing a few posts on soy this month.  I am writing newsletters once a week on traditional foods for my website.  And I will be upgrading my blog to a new look and that will take several days to get that process done. 

I've been experimenting with new foods for the last 3 weeks and have written about them in my newsletters. If you aren't subscribed to my newsletter here are a few of the topics I have written about lately:
  • The Secret of the Caucasus Mountains
  • Quinoa The Gold of the Incas
  • Monkey Face Food
  • Bone Broth
You can go to The Natural Living Site to subscribe to the newsletter.  I am having so much fun researching traditional cultures and their diets.  Foods from the past are making their way back into our diets now.  And the health benefits are amazing!